Why Your Electricity Bill May Be Higher in the Colder Months — And How to Lower It

As an energy supplier, we often hear from our customers about higher electricity bills during the colder months. While it might seem counterintuitive at first—especially if you’re not running an air conditioner—there are several reasons why energy costs can rise as the temperatures drop. Let’s explore why this happens and share some practical tips to […]

7 Energy Savings Tips: Fact or Fiction

Energy expenses are a part of everyone’s monthly budget. Unless you’re on a flat-rate plan, electricity and natural gas bills fluctuate each month depending on how much energy you use. That means some months are going to be more expensive than others, and in some regions of the country the winter is when costs spike. […]

The Dangers of Overheating at Home

During the summer many people are worried about higher energy bills as the air conditioner hums away. It’s understandable when energy costs aren’t getting cheaper. However, there’s a fine line between saving energy at home and putting your health at risk during the hot summer months.    The heat isn’t just an uncomfortable inconvenience. It […]

This is a test post

Hello hello hello. This is a news post. Hello hello hello. This is a news post. Hello hello hello. This is a news post. Hello hello hello. This is a news post. Hello hello hello. This is a news post. Hello hello hello. This is a news post. Testing, hello. More testing. This is a […]